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Elastomers are used for molding wheels, coating rollers and a wide range of other applications. Get our advice and guidance on elastomers here.

Molded items in a durable material

Elastomer is a molding compound that has many of the same flexible properties as rubber. The advantage of elastomers is that you can use simpler molds than those used to make rubber parts.

You can use elastomer to mold items such as wheels, or you can apply it to items that need protection from abrasion and chemicals.

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Benefits of elastomers

Elastomer is a material with a wide range of benefits. Read about four of them here.

Extremely high abrasion resistance

Elastomers are preferable if your product or item needs to withstand incredibly high stress and abrasion.

Chemical resistant

Elastomer is chemical resistant and is therefore an ideal material for items used in a harsh environment.

Flexible material

Elastomer is an incredibly flexible material that can be used for many applications, including rollers, submarine cables and the wind turbine industry.

Possibility of great variation in shore (hardness)

Our chemical engineers can customize the recipes, so you can get elastomers in the exact shore your job requires.

Frequently asked questions

Why choose Nestaan Nordic as your elastomer supplier?

We want to help with more than just delivering products. Our many years of experience in elastomers, among other things, enable us to offer you competent advice and guidance.

Great influence on the finished product

With us, you get more than just off-the-shelf products. We can adjust the individual products according to your wishes, so you have a big influence on the finished product.

A supplier with technical know-how

Our many years of experience with elastomers gives us the technical background to create custom solutions to suit your needs.

Fast delivery in the desired quantity

We can deliver quickly and mix the materials in both small and large quantities, depending on your needs.

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